
Crystals. 25.5.22

With the bright sunshine pouring down, I decided today was a good day to cleanse my crystals. This involves carrying them outside, washing them and leaving them to absorb the sun’s energies. I always add in a few words as I run the hose over their dulled surfaces; please let all the negativity wash away and fill these crystals with lovely, rainbow light. After sitting on the shelf, the crystals can look lifeless, but after a day outside, they gleam. I don’t carry out the cleansing as often as I should, mainly because the process of carrying them outside takes time and some of them are heavy.

When I first started developing my spirituality, I used my crystals daily and would buy the ones I was drawn to whenever I came near a crystal shop. Now days, I rarely buy anything new, and seldom use them, but I enjoy the energies they bring to the house.

In the early days of my spiritual development, I would place the crystals on my body as I carried out self-healing or meditation. I found the crystals enhanced the experience, either bringing more clarity to a situation or speeding up a release and during these times, I developed a strong connection to them. I always used my own intuition as to which crystals I would use for each healing.

There are some people, particularly among the Christian community, who think using crystals is some kind of evil practice. For the life of me, I can’t equate how adding clarity or ensuring a successful healing is evil but the in the same token, due to my past life experiences of being put to death by Christians, I have been wary of promoting the use of crystals around some people. For the clients who I thought might mind, I would only do hands on healing, if it was healing that was requested. This seemed acceptable. Crystals have always adorned my treatment rooms though, regardless of who my clientele might be.

In Chapter 17 and 18 of Who Is Me? I talk about interesting experiences with my crystals. They certainly have added a tremendous depth to my spiritual insights. And quartz crystals are used in watches to keep time so they do have abilities that can be proven for the more sceptical ones out there.

I have always loved colour, both in my crystals and my flowers; that is another reason for having them around. This morning, as I placed the crystals outside, the pink ones were calling out to me; another day, it might be the blue or green ones. Some days, I will notice a crystal that I may not have realised was there. So as much as I may not consciously use them as I once did, these are still an important part of my life.


Love of writing

