
Cleansing 22.5.22

Some people make a habit of daily cleansing, both of themselves and their house or work environment. I only do this as the need arises. Sometimes I ask myself why I am feeling a particular way and suddenly realise that I haven’t cleansed myself for a while. If there is stuff on me or in me, I remove it and generally feel better immediately. I talked about the power of thought in Who Is Me? Many people don’t realise just how strong this is. Being angry or jealous of another person, will affect that person, coating them in unwanted layers. If a person gets enough of these layers, or a particularly strong dose of negative energy directed at them, that person will feel shut down. It was years ago that I started seeing the effect of negative thoughts on another and saw that the same emotions directed from different people created the same layers around the people they were directed at. Many times, when I am cleansing someone else, I see these familiar layers, but I also see things I am unfamiliar with. Regardless, I always have clarity as to what needs to be removed and do so. Sometimes if I ask, I can follow the negative energy back to the person responsible for it, at other times I don’t bother; as its removal is all that is necessary.

Last night, I realised I was feeling empty in my house, like I was in a strange environment. Usually there is a warm feeling, something that visitors often comment on. The thought came to me that I needed to cleanse myself, suspecting that the run-in with the people from the internet company may be affecting me. I set about the cleansing, and once again, the powerful energies that came through, made me cry. It took longer than usual, as I saw there was more to remove than just the negativity of that day. I remembered the mind, body, soul event I had attended some weeks earlier. As much as I enjoy these places, there are often vast amounts of uncontrolled energies inside, with so many people having healings or readings at the same time. I worked at removing the layers around me and at the end of it, felt better. I now had the lovely feeling inside me, that I am accustomed to.

I took the opportunity to cleanse the house as well and saw two areas that were particularly heavy and needed more work. One of these was the seat where I had been sitting when I had the angry conversation with the technical team; that didn’t surprise me, but what did, was that the other heavy area was in the bathroom, where the energies are generally pristine. I thought about the reason for this and came up with two scenarios. The first was that my clothes I had been wearing during the day, were now sitting in the washing machine that was in the bathroom. During my cleansing, I was definitely aware that some of the stuff on me had come from the people from the internet company. I now wondered if some of it was also on my clothing. The other scenario I thought of, was a few days earlier, we’d had a man checking some insulation that had been fitted in the roof. The manhole was in the bathroom. As this man came down his ladder, he commented how narrow the space was in the roof. Had he left some of his discomfort behind?

The moral of this story is that I need to cleanse myself more regularly, not just when I become totally shut down. And for others, I would say cleanse yourself if you are feeling low or alone. It might just be that you have an accumulation of another’s or even your own, negative energy around you and this needs removing.


Morning meditation

