
I have been seeing the chiropractor for a number of months now. First it was weekly, then fortnightly and now monthly. The first session involved x-rays, both front and side on. It was a shock to see my spine veering off at an odd angle from the pelvis as I viewed those initial images. The practitioner commented about plenty of old injuries as well. When we are younger, we kind of get up and dust ourselves off, though I do remember some quite severe falls over the years, though I didn’t ever visit the doctor over them.

That brings me to my dilemma. I don’t want to keep visiting the chiropractor each month, because it makes me feel that there is something wrong with me. I am the same with the doctor. I rarely visit. I believe our bodies should be able to function without intervention. Yes, I do have regular massages, but I choose when to have these and it is usually when I get sore. I want to be able to do the same with my chiropractic treatments.

I did try and say last month that I didn’t want to return but was told that it is in my best interests to do so. I am going to try to be stronger today when I visit. I used to do yoga and I know that would be beneficial for me as all my back issues disappeared at the time.

People like me are probably incredibly frustrating for practitioners. They work to get our bodies into good condition then we stop the treatment and everything goes back to how it was. I know, as a massage therapist, it was difficult working on some clients who seldom visited but always had super tight muscles. But in saying that, I know there are always lots of factors involved in a person’s decision to seek treatment. Sometimes my clients would ask me when I thought they should return. That made it easy. I could say something like, ‘’ideally weekly would be good’’ but I always added that it would have to suit them and their lifestyle and financial situation. What is ideal for me may cause too much stress to the client for one reason or another. For example, they may need to find someone to look after their other kids during a treatment, or perhaps it is the week that all the bills are due in the household, or they have several other appointments that same week. I always tried to let it be the clients’ decision to choose the regularity of their appointments.

In my case with the chiropractor, it is none of these reasons. I just don’t want to go. I don’t even really know why, but it is that deep feeling inside that is not happy and I need to trust that. Hopefully today’s visit will be my last until I choose to have another.


Children coming to stay


Righty tighty