Changing habits

My mornings would always start with a meditation before I climbed out of bed. Then I got my first internet cell phone. That was about 10 years ago. From that day on, I would pick up my phone when I woke and read the news on the Herald and Stuff websites, emails and then Facebook posts. Meditating went out the back window. Once I got unlimited internet, I started using the wonderful guided meditations available, but these weren’t carried out with the regularity of the past. I might choose one if something was bothering me or if I couldn’t sleep; just now and again.

At the moment, we are waiting for fibre to arrive, and with this new provider, we don’t have that much data, until this is connected. I immediately missed the freedom I had before and realised that even though I wasn’t doing regular meditations, I still liked to be able to do them when I wanted to and was probably doing more than I realised, though often not first thing on waking, but later in the day, when I had a spare moment.

Now, when I am contemplating playing one, I have to think about how long it is, how much data I might chew through, and more often than not, I decide against it.

What I like about the meditations off the internet is that one doesn’t know what is ahead, if it is the first time playing a particular one and it is always interesting just what appears during them. I have had so much healing from the large selection out there. One can heal from virtually anything; releasing negative blocks or other negativity, visiting passed over loved ones, reducing sugar cravings, body healing, emotional healing – the list is endless. Pretty much anything someone is dealing with can be found in a guided meditation, to rectify.

I am so grateful to those people who are putting these meditations out. They are so valuable to so many of us and I personally have achieved so much healing from them.

We all need to bring more love into our hearts for the world to become a better place. I give thanks to all those who are helping others to achieve this and to all those who are doing their own healing. As each person carries out their work, they lift those alongside them, who in turn do the same. Healing really does have a snowball effect.


Nearly there


Pink ones