
In today’s blog I am sharing a poem I wrote for a writing exercise. Each week our writing group sets a task. This time our word was ‘butterflies’ and we had a limit of 200 words or less.


In the often hidden world of spirit

Symbols readily abound.

None more so than the butterfly.

Many types are found.


But regardless of their shape or colour

The meaning is always the same.

Butterflies symbol transformation

For the journey from which they came.


But there’s also other characteristics

Applied to this beautiful creature.

Freedom, lightness, new birth and joy

Also become a feature.


They are stunning but they also carry

Deep meaning in their wings.

They hold the hope of imminent change

And the growth this always brings.


So next time you see a butterfly,

Either in your garden or mind,

Know this is a message for you

Of the most wondrous kind.



The way things were