Break ups

Breakups are never easy – at least for one partner. Sometimes one has already moved on mentally, leaving the other with the devastation of not having seen it coming.

I was talking to my friend, Anna, this afternoon. She had been down in Auckland looking after her elderly mum. She’d returned home for a few days, to give both herself a rest and her mother a chance to see how well she could cope living on her own. But it has been no rest for Anna, as her daughter, Sally, is going through the heart-breaking ending of her two-year relationship. Sally has been visiting Anna during her lunch hours, spending the time sobbing. Even her boss has become concerned. No amount of anything has been able to ease Sally’s pain, so Anna suggested I might be able to do some healing on her, as we were in the middle of a Messenger-conversation, when Sally walked in for her lunchtime break.

I did what I always do in cases such as this. I went in to see what I could ascertain and to send healing at the same time. What I saw, was the old familiar pattern, one that is incredibly common and one of the main reasons people seek healing. When I looked energetically at Sally, I saw the tell-tale signs of someone else being jealous of her. She was coated in a brown seaweed type substance, shutting her down in the process. So not only was Sally experiencing the devastation of her breakup, but she was also unable to feel any of the positive energies that were surrounding her. No wonder she was feeling so wretched. A double whammy. I removed the ‘seaweed’ and sent healing her way, and was shown the softest, most delicate rose petals falling on her as I was doing this. I was also given a message that there were great things ahead for her that could not be achieved until this relationship ended. It is very difficult sometimes to let something go that is not really working, for we fear we may not get anything better. And who wants to hear a message like that when they are feeling so miserable. Probably the worst thing they want to hear. But as a rule, I usually relay what I have been given. I have learnt over the years that while something may not feel right to us, it may be just what that person does need to hear and I trust spirit anyway. So, I said to her, ‘’Sally, you probably don’t want to hear this now, but spirit is telling me that there is something wonderful lined up for you that could not happen while you were in that relationship. That had to be let go of first.’’

I then told her about the jealousy I had seen and the rose petals. She immediately identified with the jealousy. Her now ex-partner had met some new friends and she had felt that they were jealous of, and threatened by her. I confirmed that to be the case. She had been correct.

I know she will be slightly better now that I have removed the ‘seaweed’ from her because when that is around, it is hard to feel the surrounding positive energies and it makes a person feel so negative. I also felt her energy come back to me as I talked about what I had seen, a sure sign that things were improving.

As mothers, we hurt when our children hurt. Their pain becomes our pain. I am sure I am not alone when I say so many times, a mother’s wish is to take away their child’s pain. But I am also aware that on a soul level, everyone has their own stuff that they need to experience for themselves, sometimes, the whole nine yards of it. We can be there for our children, standing alongside them through their pain. Sometimes this is all we can do.


It is over


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