
The biggest bonus of living where I live, for me, is the choice of beaches, with each offering its uniqueness. Sometimes, I feel like solitude. There are two perfect beaches for this. At other times it is the waves for body boarding that I desire and again there are choices. Then there's my favourite one. Perhaps I am hoping for waves, but even if there aren't any, I know I will still enjoy myself and come back refreshed. Then there's the beach 500 metres from the house, perfect for walking and finding shell treasures and ideal for the grandkids, with trees for shelter and gentle, shallow water for swimming.

It is not by chance I have ended up here. Beaches and my love of water have been part of my life always, with my parents having a bach at a wild West Coast beach when I was a child. Whilst I loved and connected with the land, I also connected equally with the sea. Many of my homes have been close to the water and choosing this location was because I wanted to be by the beach. I am not a fisher woman, though that is something Stephen and I have said we must do more of. That is what draws most people to this area. There are plenty of boating, surfcasting and torpedo opportunities nearby. But for me I just love being in and near the water. I do miss the land too but I decided, when I moved up, that I didn't want to isolate myself in a rural back block. So, I chose this place and I am so glad I did.

Last year, several of the beaches were closed by locals who feared the spread of Covid. I am so pleased to have my choices back. I don't know what it is that draws me to a particular beach one day and another the next. But I have always been like this, listening to my inner voice to guide me to the best place for that day.

We even have a choice of a freshwater lake here and even that draws me some days.

I am fortunate to be retired now, allowing me to spend as much or as little time as I desire. At the moment I am finding it is about an hour and I am done. I am not a fan of sunscreens, preferring instead to leave the beach before I feel my body burning. But that hour is enough to totally rejuvenate me, cool down my body and elevate my mood. 

I wonder which beach will draw me this afternoon. As I am finishing this blog, I am feeling myself being drawn to my favourite beach. If I hurry, I will arrive about an hour before full tide, the perfect time for swimming and perhaps a body board too.


Special place

