
Often, I don’t know what I will be writing about when I sit down to compose my blog. But what I do know is that once a topic comes in, there is no use looking for another as that first one always takes priority. And I may not even know what will come next but I have learnt the ideas always flow once I start writing. This morning was different. While walking down the beach, my topic for today came clearly. I am writing about my ex’s partner.

The reason I am doing this is today is her 60th birthday and she has invited Stephen and I to celebrate with her. I feel honoured.

I first met Bernie in 1979 when I came back broke from overseas and went rousing in the shearing sheds to make some money. Bernie was in a different gang and we often met up in the pub after work, as one did in those days. We also belonged to the same netball team, formed from a group of rousies working in the nearby gangs. We called our team ‘Hurley’s Shearers’ after one of the local contractors whom most of the girls worked for, including Bernie.

Bernie was both beautiful to look at and warm and beautiful inside and she hasn’t changed. She must have been 17 when I first met her. Both of us moved in different directions, occasionally meeting up over the years. When I heard that she was Paul’s latest (he did have a lot of women before meeting Bernie) I was pleased. She has been the one to have stayed and they have been together for a number of years now.

It makes such a difference having a warm, welcoming, inviting partner of the ex. It is inevitable that paths cross when you have children, the latest being Levi’s wedding back in March. While Paul and I may not talk, Bernie and I do and I am so thankful that he is with this warm, lovely lady. And it is always nice to know that that your children and grandchildren are treated well when at the ex’s place.

When she told her kids she was inviting Paul’s ex they queried this. ‘’But she is like a big sister to me,’’ she told them. I guess that is kind of how it is with us. She knows I definitely would never want him again. I just hope she makes a better run of it than I did and they have many more years together.


Old friends


Going public