
Beliefs can create positive or negative experiences for us. The task is to recognise them within ourselves, as often they are so ingrained, we have no idea of their existence. I devoted a whole chapter to beliefs in Who Is Me? P 141, Chapter 26. I found that with many of them, I was unaware I had them, until after I had done my work on an issue and then I would finally realise particular ones existed and could go about changing them.

There are two reasons I am bringing this topic back up today. The first is that I carried out a meditation a couple of nights ago and the facilitator suggested that we examine our beliefs over different areas of our lives. I looked at some of my patterns and suddenly the beliefs were as clear as day. I was, as is often the case, taken into one of my past lives and I saw clearly beliefs I had then that had followed me into this life.

A belief is formed in the first place, when something repeats itself to the point that we don’t see any alternative. I know this will happen to me, because it has every other time, for example. And if we believe something strongly enough, we will create that reality for ourselves.

The repeating becomes a pattern and these patterns keep recurring through each incarnation until we heal them.

The second reason for bringing this up today, concerns some lost keys. Genevieve informed me the other day she had lost her set, containing her van and two house-keys, held together with a large 7cm dog collar clip. She had searched everywhere for them. ``Don’t worry, I’ll find them, I always find lost things,’’ I told her.

I hung up the phone and thought, what the hell, that sounds so arrogant. But the reality for me is that I do find things and with each thing I find, it cements my belief that I find things. I believe I find things. I have this belief because I have found things. Conversely if I never found anything I searched for, then I would most likely have the belief that I can’t find anything. Beliefs are powerful. If we are searching for something, believing deep down that we won’t find it, then the likely hood is that we won’t.

So how does one recognise a belief? That can be difficult, but if we examine recurring patterns in our lives, we can most likely pinpoint where these might exist. What are our patterns in relationships? My boyfriend always leaves me for another woman. Someone has that belief because that’s what has always happened. Guess what, unless that belief is changed, that is most likely going to be the next scenario for them. It becomes a catch 22 situation. How can I change my belief when I know it always happens? Usually, the answer is to do work on oneself. What are the feelings this scenario brings up? Say in this case it was abandonment, then go into that emotion, which might be something like not good enough. Keep doing this until one has the childhood memory and the release. Then it should be relatively easy to change the belief.

I have talked about this belief-changing method before. I see a cord holding this belief, going from my initial life on earth to my present day. I cut each end, ask that the cord be taken to the School of Angels for cleansing and then form a new belief, which in this scenario would be something like, my boyfriend loves me so much he doesn’t even think about another woman.

Doing the work first then changing beliefs is usually the end of the old patterns.

As for the keys. We were out at Genevieve’s yesterday, with seven of us searching for them. I believed, with the large dog clip, they would be relatively easy to find. As our group searched, I could see the others losing interest, believing they wouldn’t be found. Genevieve herself had searched several times already. And yes, I did find them. They weren’t even hidden in the long grass or out of sight, rather lying on the bare dirt. The others had stopped to talk and as they did so, I looked around and that’s when I spotted them. The difference was, I believed they would be found.

Here's a challenge to readers. See if you can identify some of your own beliefs, both positive and negative. Are these what you want going forwards? If not, it is probably worth doing some work around them.




The way things were