Being believed

I dedicated a chapter in The Collective Us to my being believed and the subsequent healing of this issue.

Without repeating what is already in that chapter, the gist of it was that I often wasn't believed in my life, starting with childhood experiences with my mother. What happens in instances such as these is that the issue keeps repeating itself until we heal it. And the issue is not unique to this life, rather, it is one we have often experienced through several lifetimes. Our current lives are an opportunity to heal these patterns.

When I was writing yesterday it reminded me of another example of when I had not been believed. When Paul and I got engaged and gave our proposed wedding date, his father questioned me several times about being pregnant. Paul wanted us to get married quickly, thus it was only eight weeks between the two dates. I told him I wasn't and felt that was the end of it. I did get pregnant quite soon after our marriage and as I explained in the previous blog, miscarried five months later. Earlier this year, I was talking to my former sister-in-law about that event. I think we were talking about another person who had miscarried and I mentioned mine. "But you were full term," she said.

"No I wasn't" I replied, "I was only 25 weeks."

"No you weren't," she repeated herself. I was stunned. Even though I had told the father I wasn't pregnant when I got married, the whole family had obviously not believed me. If I was pregnant, I would have told them. I didn't hold any shame about pregnancy out of wedlock but it was the slur on my character that hurt the most. They thought I was lying to them. So, if these people thought that, how much else that I said did they not believe?

The issue had been huge in my previous lives. I was falsely put to death so many times, so of course it was going to be big in this life too. I am so pleased I have finally healed this pattern, thus I shouldn't have any further instances of people not believing me. When I talked to my sister-in-law about my miscarriage, it was before I had completed my healing. Hopefully, now in reflection, she will realise I was telling the truth.

When we have healed an issue, it doesn't repeat. I had a little chuckle to myself a couple of weeks back. I snuck into Farmers to buy Stephen a shirt as part of his Christmas present. The shop assistant put the shirt in a small brown paper bag. I told Stephen I had bought something for a grandchild as I carried the bag back to the car. He believed my little white lie, showing me I have definitely healed this aspect of my life!



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