Another NDE

I watched another near-death-experience on U Tube last night, finishing it off this morning. This one was particularly interesting to me and actually, judging by the comments, for all those who watched it. In this particular one, the woman didn’t dwell much on what brought her to her death, but on what happened when she was there. In clock time it was only 14 minutes, but she felt she had spent about five years on the other side. Part of her task while ‘’dead’’, was to examine each item in a box, about 5000 of them. The first one she pulled out, she described as like a bubble that contained an image within. The image was of her as a young child, still at the crawling stage. She watched as she pulled a cat’s tail. She then became the cat and felt the pain that cat had suffered. She described it as a sharp pain radiating up her back and realised how much she had hurt that animal, though not realising the ramifications of her actions at the time. She was then able to see herself as that young child; she felt the emotions and reasoning behind her actions. At this stage she knew she knew no better but still cried for the pain she had inflicted on the cat. Then she realised that the cat had long gone, she was the one here, she needed to forgive herself for those actions and immediately did so. Once she had done this, the bubble disappeared and she was told that it no longer existed; that it couldn’t exist, it was only the unforgiveness holding it in place. She then went through the other 5000 contents in that box, forgiving in the same way until all had disappeared, a task she felt took about 18 months but in reality must have only taken a few minutes of earth time.

The reason I find this so interesting is because I was told exactly the same thing about 20 years ago and wrote about it in Who Is Me? P 128. The me I used to meet when I visited Atlantis explained to me that once forgiveness was complete, then the images I was seeing no longer existed; they couldn’t exist. It was only the lack of forgiveness holding them in place. She explained how they sit in the heart waiting for the opportunity to be set free and when that happens, they disappear.

Shortly after this, the woman recounting her NDE was told she was not meant to be where she was and was given a rundown of her past, present and future by a woman claiming to be a great or great-great grandparent, before she was returned to her body. She explained how everything she was told about the first ten years of her future had already come true, to me, lending credence to everything that happened on that side.

I have been shown that all my former selves have been relying on me, the present incarnation of them all to heal the parts of themselves they didn’t heal during their lifetimes. The main part of this is forgiveness, both of self and others involved. So, this understanding brings me to another point. If everything is forgiven when we die, how come I, and I am sure everyone else alive, has been tasked with healing their former selves? As I have explained in both of my books, we get issues in our childhoods that relate to unresolved issues in our past lives so really, we are healing our own issues, but in so doing are healing our pasts at the same time.

I was also shown in a further meditation that nobody else judges us when we die. We sit in such a space of love that we are able to see our own shortcomings. From this I have surmised that karma is a response when we are unable to see the error of our ways or are unwilling to forgive. Thus, if we live a life where we are treated badly after treating others in the same way, we will learn that that was not a good way to behave. But if we are able to see we behaved badly at our time of death, perhaps that opposite life would be unnecessary.

Now my next point is that this woman describing her NDE didn’t die. She was never meant to die as was told to her by her relative, before returning. So perhaps the whole purpose of her NDE and many others who have NDEs is to spread the knowledge of the importance of self-healing and forgiveness of both self and others, something I have tried to do in both my books.

The reason I say this is because, when we die, if we are able to dissolve every negative reaction, then all that I have been shown about healing my past lives would have already happened and I wouldn’t be reexperiencing many of the same issues my former selves experienced.

So, what I am surmising now is this woman has brought a gift back to everyone on earth. We are all still living, we can all forgive ourselves and others now, rather than dying with big chunks of unforgiveness in our hearts. Perhaps it will happen just as she said, with us able to forgive everyone and ourselves on the other side, or perhaps like me, others will have to reincarnate in order to forgive our actions in our former lives. We have been given this gift of knowledge. Let’s not wait but let’s start or continue the process of forgiveness now. If nothing else, we will save ourselves a task on the other side. And remember, forgiveness sets us free.


Regular eye check


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