And more wakeful nights

I have just had two more wakeful nights – woken about 3am and unable to get back to sleep until after five, and that is despite painting both days and being physically tired.

During Tuesday night’s wakefulness, I picked up my phone for a meditation as I often do when I find myself in a similar situation. This time, a short clip caught my attention, Preparing for the Shift, by Sarah A’ryana. This is not someone I have ever listened to before, nor seen, but somehow it was sitting in my U Tube feed and inviting me to listen. I am in two minds about a lot of what is out there, people talking about changing dimensions and major shifts. Often a friend will ask if I have felt the new energies or some such question. Those in the know seem to know all about it but I have shied away from watching or learning about any such thing. I have always got my information from spirit, and that, along with my own experiences, is what I believe. However, I am open to the possibility that each of us supplies their own bit of information to the greater knowledge bank. While my contribution is all about how our pasts influence our present and the importance of self-healing and forgiveness, perhaps these other people are given information of the newer energies and the like.

In this particular clip I watched, Sarah talked about the change and new energies which would start infiltrating us after the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere. According to me, that date would have been Tuesday. She talked about the old energies exiting and the new that would start entering after this date.

I don’t know if it is related or not, but I talked about being woken in a blog on March 17. Whilst it is not unusual for me to wake to go to the toilet, it is unusual to remain awake for so long. And as I mentioned in that blog, stuff was coming up to be shifted and at one point, instead of fighting it, I said to myself, ok, you have woken me purposefully, lets utilise that time. I found that much of the stuff I still needed to work on was sitting there, very close to the surface.

So, after listening to this woman the other night, I have been wondering if what she says does hold some credence. I was doing exactly what she said, clearing out the old. Was it to make way for the new?

It will be interesting to see if there are changes in the way I feel. She talked about a heaviness of the earth’s energies she had been experiencing. One thing I know for certain, is that things do need to change. We cannot in this world, carry on hating each other. It is time to find the light within and to radiate that to the next person, who in turn can find their light and do the same. it would certainly be useful if we were given a helping hand to do this.


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