Ad campaign

I am currently running an ad campaign with Facebook, something I haven’t done enough of since publishing my two books. I have targeted two countries, Australia and New Zealand, while my last one was with England. I had help both times with this, but I am hoping that I will soon understand the process enough to do it myself. There is not a lot of selection to choose from for my type of book, but I did manage to find spirituality amongst the categories on offer. The only problem with this one is that it includes all religious groups, and many of them are adamantly against the possibility of reincarnation. This is where my problem lies, in fact it has been with me most of my life.

While I have been given screeds of information on the topic, and knowledge of my own former lives, many of those with Christian beliefs do not resonate with my story. I have experienced a huge amount of judgement, some of which has been brought on by my own fears, which have come into this life with me from previous lifetimes, where I was put to death because of my spiritual beliefs, and also for what I had written.

The English ad campaign attracted some negative comments (and positive too), with one gentleman adamantly opposed to the idea that we live more than once. I had several correspondences with him and pointed out that at least if I am right I will know about it after I die and so will he, whereas if he is correct, neither of us will know. That makes me a winner already!

One woman commented on this current campaign – ‘obviously fiction’. I was tempted to ignore it, but then I thought that if I did this, people might think she was right, so I wrote a reply, informing her that the only fictional part were the names, which I have changed, to protect others’ privacy. I explained to her that I had shared painful parts of my life in my books, including the death of my son. I told her this to try and help her understand that one wouldn’t make up something as tragic as that.

She replied to my reply, mentioning God and Jesus. I just placed a like. What these-kind-of-people don’t seem to understand is that I am also aligned with God and Jesus. I pray to God and have worked with Jesus in some of my healings. The only difference is my belief and knowledge in reincarnation.

I mentioned above the fears I have carried on this topic my whole life. I have tended to hide what I know and even my books, from certain people. When I wrote about the octopus in a previous blog, I knew it was these fears the message was relating to. Coincidentally, two of the people who should have known about my books (family members) both found out about them this week. The fact I hadn’t shared with them was the extent of my fears, one being a Christian. However, both were open and non-judgmental towards me and my topic. I feel the octopus was helping me in this journey of standing in my truth. Really, I have no need to hide. This realisation has been a difficult one but I know that it is me who has been holding back the spread of the information via my books. I don’t think I am totally there yet, but I am definitely further on my way.


The pollution of noise


Second distressing court case