Christmas cake

There are two reasons I don’t make my own Christmas cake. The first is I have never found a recipe that I really like. My ideal cake is dark, moist and fruity. The second, is that Christmas cake is my absolute weakness, even for the ones I don’t really like. I would eat far too much in one sitting and far too often. I have zero will power when it comes to these, thus it is better not to make them and not to find my ideal recipe.

However, I decided this year, for my brothers’ Christmas presents, that I would make a hamper up for each of them. One brother is single, while the other lost his wife this year so it will be the first Christmas he has been on his own. As one of these brothers will be visiting before Christmas, I decided it would be easy to make up these hampers as I wouldn’t have to post them. I went to the market last week, but was too early for the woman selling her homemade cakes. Today I was successful, though shocked at how much she was charging for them. It was then that I regretted that I hadn’t found my own ideal recipe. I purchased homemade jams, relishes, sauces and marmalades to accompany the cakes and when I got home, made up the hampers, completing them by covering the boxes with wrapping paper, so there is no clue as to what is inside them.

Over the years I have made all my own jams and sauces and at one stage my own wine, but it is something that I do less and less as I get older, but maybe I should think about doing these during the year and making up hampers for the family at Christmas with my homemade products, rather than other peoples’. There are lots of markets around these days and it is good to be able to support the people selling their wares but it would be even better if it was my stuff. I did add a bottle of pickled olives in each box, these being from the tree outside our house. I am not even sure if my brothers like olives, but oh well, they can always pass them on if they don’t. I also added a bar of Lindt chocolate, so all in all, it should provide a nice treat for the boys.

My brothers have always been good to me, as was my father. Sometimes I struggle as to what to buy them. Because they live so far away and we don’t see each other often, I am not even aware of their food preferences, but I do know one of them has a sweet tooth like me. My mother used to make batches of fudge for people, but that is far too rich for presents these days and another thing I have trouble eating in moderation.

So really, that just leaves one present to buy, and that is for my son who lives in the Gold Coast. He will be over with his girl friend before Christmas. I have already bought her present. I have an idea what to buy my son and think I will go ahead with this idea. It is difficult when they have to travel home. Any present needs to fit in the suitcase both size and weight wise.

I think there have been a few sales on the last few days. Had I waited to do my shopping, I may have paid less for things, but I am so pleased to get that job out of the way. One less chore to do before Christmas.


Cleaning…or not


It’s a small world